
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Ottoman Empire And Algerians.

وصف المؤرخين الاووروبيين للبحرية الجزائرية خلال العهد العثماني : أجمع المؤرخون الأوروبيون والأمريكان على أن البحرية الجزائرية كانت منظمة أحسن تنظيم،إضافة إلى شجاعة أهلها. وكانت الجزائر تستعمل بحريتها بدافع الوعي بمسؤولياتها الدولية عن الأمن والسلم في البحر الذي كان بحرها،والمحيطات التي كانت ساحاتها. فسقوط الأندلس تلاه قيام الجزائر العثمانية مكانها،كجدار منيع ضد النصرانية،الزاحفة نحو الشرق،فكان أن قامت الجزائر بإيقاف هذا الزحف،ببناء قوة بحرية عظيمة،استخدمتها بادئ الأمر للدفاع،ثم بعد ذلك للهجوم والغزو،بعد انتصارها على أوروبا،وإسقاطها للرايخ الألماني الأول(الإمبراطورية الألمانية الرومانية المقدسة)في سنة 1541. يقول المؤرخ دي غرامون: لقد أخذت جرأة الرياس الجزائريين تزداد باطراد،وهكذا حجزوا على عباب المحيط الأطلسي،السفن الإسبانية المسلحة تسليحا ثقيلا،والمحملة بالذهب والفضة والبضائع الفاخرة،وهي راجعة من أمريكا اللاتينية،كما فاجأوا أكثر من مرة سكان خليج غسكونيا،وسواحل بحر المانش،وبحار إنجلترا،فمن ضفاف جزر ماديرا على الأطلسي،إلى صخور الجليد في إيسلندا،ما كان أحد يستطيع أن ينجو من ملاحق

Rebecca Burger: Instagram Model, 33,Tragically Killed By Exploding WhippedCream Can

Don't exaggerate using Technology, Technology kills sometimes. A famous French Instagram model named Rebecca Burger is dead after being hit in the chest by an exploding whipped cream canister. She was just 33 years old. Rebecca Burger’s family confirmed her death in a sad Instagram post on June 21. “It is with great sadness we announce the death of Rebecca who died the June 18th, 2017 in an accident in the home. The grieving family,” the post read. The 33-year-old died in a complete freak accident — when she attempted to open a whipped cream dispenser, it exploded and ricocheted back into her chest. Her family posted a photo of a device similar to this one on Rebecca’s Instagram account June 20, and urged followers not to use them after the model’s tragic accident. “This is an example of a siphon that exploded and struck Rebecca’s throat, resulting in her death,” the family explained. “The siphon that caused her death was sealed. Do not use this kind of utensil i


هذا الشخص سبب خسارة كبيرة لشركة الطيران الامريكية في سنة 1987م ، المواطن الأمريكي ستيف ورثستين .. اشترى تذكرة ذهبية من شركة الخطوط الجوية الأمريكية سعرها 250 ألف دولار و تسمح له بالسفر على الدرجة الأولى على متن الخطوط الجوية الأمريكية مدى الحياة مجانا بالإضافة إلى تذكرة مرافق معه سعرها 150 الف دولار، المهم ستيف هذا حجز في أكثر من 10 الاف رحلة، و في بعض الأحيان كان يسافر ليأكل سندويتش في مطعم معين أو ليحضر مباراة وكان أحيانا يسافر مع مشردين ليعيدهم لبلدانهم  أو لو كان متضايق يحجز مقعد المرافق لشخص غير حقيقي ليكون المكان بجانبه فارغ خلال الرحلة  و لو كان به ملل يحجز و لا يسافر  و كان إبنه يحضر كل المناسبات الرياضية في كل مكان في العالم و كان أحيانا يسافر إلى كندا صباحا ليشتري من كندا وجبة لزوجته تحبها ثمنها 50 دولار فقط  و يحضرها و يرجع قبل الغداء  و يقول لها  أنا ذهبت الصباح بسرعة لكندا و رجعت  و في شهر يوليو سنه 2004 فقط سافر ل 18 بلدا  و كان دايما يقول  أنا أستطيع أن أذهب  لأي مكان في أي وقت  كل الذي علي عمله  اني أحضر حقيبة ملابسي وأتجه للمطار

World’s Biggest Floating Solar Power Plant launched in China

By Muqbil Ahmar While the United States of America has withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, Asian superpower China is marching towards emission reduction as well as renewable energy commitments. The world’s biggest floating solar power plant has been made operational in Huainan city, Eastern China. The 40-MW plant is situated on a reservoir and is in close proximity to the city. Offshore from Huainan, the plant has been successfully connected with the power grid. Being offshore, it does not take up space and uses less energy than solar farms as seawater acts as a coolant. Sungrow, the world's leading photovoltaic system supplier, has set up the plant. Floating solar power plants can be set up on water bodies such as lakes and seas, particularly near cities where land availability is less. China faces massive air pollution China, the most populated country on the globe is facing high degrees of air pollution, which is estimated to kill 1.1 million people annually in the c


This recipe is for the people who are going on a diet too, but it is important to be taken only at 4:00 p.m (after lunch) or as a dinner with other fruits. Watermelon Slushies – This simple two ingredient recipe combines frozen watermelon and ice for a delicious, refreshing frozen beverage!  INGREDIENTS 4 cups cubed frozen watermelon Ice if needed INSTRUCTIONS Process frozen watermelon in a blender until combined. Add ice if you'd like it thicker, or an other juice if you'd like. Serve immediately.

Chocolate Buttermilk Cake with Frosting

This recipe is not for people who goes on a diet, everyone could eat this cake when you are on a break from your diet. A moist and chocolaty buttermilk cake topped with a sweet and fudgy chocolate buttermilk frosting with pecans. A simple, old-fashioned dessert that never goes out of style because it's so darn good. Ingredients: Cake 1 cup butter 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa 1 cup water 1/2 cup buttermilk 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt Chocolate-Buttermilk Frosting 1 cup butter 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa 1/3 cup buttermilk 1 (16-ounce) package confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup toasted pecans Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9X13-inch pan. Combine 1 cup butter, 1/3 cup cocoa, and 1 cup water in a small saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until butter is fully melted. Yo

Industrial Meats

The World Cancer Research Fund International guidelines on cancer prevention state avoiding all processed meats. Most pre-sliced lunch meats are higher in fat, nitrates, and sodium than those that are sliced to order, as a larger exposed surface requires stronger preservatives. As a result, processed meats significantly contribute to incidence of heart disease and diabetes, even more so than red meat. A prospective study following 448,568 people across Europe showed a positive association between processed meat consumption and mortality, due to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Similarly, a prospective study in United States following half a million people concluded a similar association with death and increased processed meat consumption. Indistial meats—also known as cold cuts, luncheon meats, cooked meats, sliced meats, cold meats and deli meats—are precooked or cured meat, often sausages or meat loaves, that are sliced and served cold or hot on sandwiches or on party tr


It is prohibited to take sugar in breakfast or lunch, it is allowed at afternoon tea, but again not allowed at dinner. Sugar in the breakfast or lunch, block your body from benefiting from other ingredients: bread, cheese, butter, meat, starchy foods... and turn eveything you eat into grease, that's why you look fat or you suffer diabetes, in the other hand, taking him in afternoon is good for health, it gives you energy, and there is an insulin that can burn it Sugar is a sweet taste substance extracted mainly from sugar cane and sugar beet. It is mostly formed of a compound called sucrose. The term "sugar" comes from the Italian word "zucchero", itself borrowed from the Arabic "sukkar" (سكر), a word of Indian origin, in Sanskrit "Çârkara". Other plants also make it possible to produce products composed predominantly of sucrose. However, other compounds of the same family of saccharides also have a mild flavor: glucose, fruct

Shrimp and Veggie Stuffed Zucchini

Ingredients for one person, good for diet but only for lunch, can be taken with 50 g of non-sugar bread 2 extra large zucchinis 1/4 cup olive oil,  divided 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped  1 shallot, finely chopped  300 g large shrimp - shelled, deveined, and cut in half  1 tomato - peeled, seeded and diced  2 cremini mushrooms, quartered  1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese  3 leaves fresh basil, torn ground  black pepper to taste  kosher salt to taste  garlic powder to taste  1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Preheat the oven's broiler and set the oven rack about 6 inches from the heat source. Grease a baking sheet. Cut the zucchinis in half the long way, and scoop out the seeds and pulp, leaving a thick shell of flesh. Brush both halves of the zucchini with about 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and place them, cut sides down, onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake until the zucchinis are hot and beginning to release beads of moisture, 5 to 10 min

This 2 Ingredient Remedy Flushes POUNDS of Waste From Your Colon

Had a weekend of over-indulging and wish you could have a do-over? Doing a colon cleanse is a good way to flush toxins from your body and restore your digestive system to a fresh start. We have explored many life changing ingredients in previous articles, and this easy remedy will help you to cleanse your colon when you need it done fast. THIS 2 INGREDIENT REMEDY CLEANSES YOUR COLON FAST This drinkable home remedy is easy, gentle, and effective. This is not a fast flush type of colon cleanse, this will simply purify the system as the ingredients work to help your body filter out the bad as waste, and retain the good bacterial balance of your digestive system. HOW THESE TWO INGREDIENTS WORK TO CLEANSE YOUR COLON FAST Raw, unfiltered, apple or apple juice (with no dairy) has gained a lot of interest recently, from both the medical research community and also from those who are looking for natural remedies for health problems. It is inexpensive and provides many health bene

Avocado Benefits

Avocados are also one of the healthiest foods on the planet because they contain more than 25 essential nutrients, including vitamin A, B, C, E, K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Avocados also contain fiber, protein, and many useful phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, which may protect against various diseases. 1. Keep the heart healthy Avocado contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which helps regulate the levels of the amino acid. High level of the amino acid is associated with increased risk of heart disease. Avocados also contain vitamin E, glutathione, and monounsaturated fats, which help maintain heart health. 2. Lower cholesterol levels Avocados are rich in a compound called beta-sitosterol which has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels. According to a study of patients with high cholesterol that included avocados in their diet for 7 days decreased 17% in total cholesterol levels in the blood, decreas