أنت مطرود من العمل : You are expelled from work
التحق شاب أمريكي يدعى " والاس جونسون " بالعمل في ورشه كبيره لنشر الأخشاب، وقضى الشاب في هذه الورشة أحلى سنوات عمره، حيث كان شابا قويا قادرا على الأعمال الخشنة الصعبة
وحين بلغ سن الأربعين وكان في كمال قوته، وأصبح ذا شأن في الورشة التي اشتغل بها لسنوات طويلة ولكن فوجئ برئيسه في العمل يبلغه أنه مطرود من الورشة وعليه أن يغادرها نهائيا بلا عوده
في تلك اللحظة خرج الرجل إلى الشارع بلا هدف، وبلا أمل وتتابعت في ذهنه صور الجهد الضائع الذي بذله على مدى سنوات عمره كله، فأحس بالأسف الشديد وأصابه الإحباط واليأس العميق وأحس كما قال وكأن الأرض قد ابتلعته فغاص في أعماقها المظلمة المخيفة
لقد أغلق في وجهه باب الرزق الوحيد، وكانت قمة الإحباط لديه بأن ليس لديه ولدى وزوجته شيء من مصادر الرزق غير أجرة العمل من ورشة الأخشاب، ولم يكن يدري ماذا يفعل
وذهب إلى البيت وابلغ زوجته بما حدث، فقالت له زوجته ماذا نفعل؟
فقال: سأرهن البيت الصغير الذي نعيش فيه وسأعمل في مهنة البناء
وبالفعل كان المشروع الأول له هو بناء منزلين صغيرين بذل فيهما جهده، ثم توالت المشاريع الصغيرة وكثرت وأصبح متخصصاً في بناء المنازل الصغيرة
وفى خلال خمسة أعوام من الجهد المتواصل أصبح مليونيراً مشهورا
إنه " والاس جونسون " الرجل الذي أنشأ وبنى سلسله فنادق هوليدي إن
أنشأ عدداً لا يحصى من الفنادق وبيوت الاستشفاء حول العالم
يقول هذا الرجل في مذكراته الشخصية، لو علمت الآن أين يقيم رئيس العمل الذي طردني، لتقدمت إليه بالشكر العميق لأجل ما صنعه لي فَعندما حدث هذا الموقف الصعب تألمت جدا ولم أفهم لماذا، أما الآن فقد فهمت إن الله شاء أن يغلق في وجهي باباً ليفتح أمامي طريقا أفضل لي ولأسرتي
دوماً لا تظن أن أي فشل يمر بحياتك هو نهاية لك .. فقط فكر جيداً
وتعامل مع معطيات حياتك ..... وابدأ من جديد بعد كل موقف
فالحياة لا تستحق أن نموت حزناً عليها لأنه باستطاعتنا أن نكون أفضل بوجود العزيمة والإصرار

An American young man named Wallace Johnson joined a large woodworking workshop. The young man spent the best of his life in this workshop. He was a strong young man who was able to work hard,
When he reached the age of forty and was in full strength, and became important in the workshop, which he worked for many years but was surprised by his boss at work told him that he was expelled from the workshop and he must leave it without return
At that moment, the man came out into the street without a goal, and without hope, and he went on with the images of the lost effort he had made over the years of his entire life. He felt very sorry and was deeply frustrated and despairing and felt as if the earth had swallowed him and plunged into her frightening dark depths
He closed his door to the only livelihood, and the peak of his frustration was that he and his wife had no livelihood other than the labor of the wood workshop, and he did not know what to do
And went to the house and told his wife what happened, and his wife told him what to do?
He said: "I will bet the little house in which we live and I will work in the construction profession
Indeed, his first project was to build two small houses where he worked, and then the small projects went on and became more and more specialized in the construction of small houses
In five years of continuous effort, he has become a famous millionaire
It is "Wallace Johnson" who created and built a series of Holiday Inn hotels
He has created innumerable hotels and sanatoriums around the world
This man says in his personal memoirs, if I knew now where the boss who expelled me was, I gave him deep thanks for what he did to me. When this difficult situation happened, I did not understand why, but now I understood that God would close my door to open me. A better way for me and my family
Always do not think that any failure passing through your life is the end of you .. just think well
And deal with the data of your life ..... and start again after each position
Life is not worth dying for, because we can be better with determination and determination
When he reached the age of forty and was in full strength, and became important in the workshop, which he worked for many years but was surprised by his boss at work told him that he was expelled from the workshop and he must leave it without return
At that moment, the man came out into the street without a goal, and without hope, and he went on with the images of the lost effort he had made over the years of his entire life. He felt very sorry and was deeply frustrated and despairing and felt as if the earth had swallowed him and plunged into her frightening dark depths
He closed his door to the only livelihood, and the peak of his frustration was that he and his wife had no livelihood other than the labor of the wood workshop, and he did not know what to do
And went to the house and told his wife what happened, and his wife told him what to do?
He said: "I will bet the little house in which we live and I will work in the construction profession
Indeed, his first project was to build two small houses where he worked, and then the small projects went on and became more and more specialized in the construction of small houses
In five years of continuous effort, he has become a famous millionaire
It is "Wallace Johnson" who created and built a series of Holiday Inn hotels
He has created innumerable hotels and sanatoriums around the world
This man says in his personal memoirs, if I knew now where the boss who expelled me was, I gave him deep thanks for what he did to me. When this difficult situation happened, I did not understand why, but now I understood that God would close my door to open me. A better way for me and my family
Always do not think that any failure passing through your life is the end of you .. just think well
And deal with the data of your life ..... and start again after each position
Life is not worth dying for, because we can be better with determination and determination
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