How to distract people from the internal problems of their country?
In ancient Rome, the purpose of fighting and wrestling among the warriors was to distract people from the internal problems of the empire !
10 Strategies for the Control of the People, by Noam Chomsky
Many of the rulers and power holders hide their agendas and their real plans by using the media and propaganda, which have the most prominent role in forming and forming public opinion, by virtue of which social movements emerge or disappear, simplify and ease some Economic crises, the justification of wars, and the fueling of differences between different ideologies
This is how the critic and thinker Noam Chomsky, who answers the question, how does the media affect us psychologically in this way? Through the crystallization of 10 strategies used by the media directed to bring about these psychological effects, and although some of these tools is clear that it still has a large amount of effectiveness and influence on people, and from the point of view of some of these tools insulting and promote stupidity, was based on Chomsky in revealing these strategies "A very confidential document" dating back to May 1979, and found in 1986, entitled "Silent Weapons for a Quiet War", a booklet or guide to human control and control of communities
In this report we are talking about the 10 strategies used by the media to distract and control people. We rely mainly on Noam Chomsky's article in this regard
In this article, the world of linguistics and American thinker Noam Chomsky based on "a very secret document" dating back to 1979 and was found in 1986 by coincidence, and bearing an interesting title
"Silent weapons for a quiet war"
It is a manual or guide to control human beings and societies, and specialists are likely to belong to some circles of global influence that usually bring together senior politicians, capitalists and experts in various fields
In this article, "Strategies of Control, Guidance, and Deception," Shomsky puts us in the face of intelligent methods that the world's influential circles use through the media to manipulate the masses of people, direct their behavior and control their actions and thinking in different countries of the world.
Strategy of distraction
"Keep public attention away from real social problems and trivial matters of no importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy without having any time to think, just go back to the farm with other animals. "Extract document" Silent weapons for quiet wars "
Chomsky says that an essential element of social control is to divert public attention to the important social issues and changes defined by political and economic elites by exporting a large number of distractions and trivial information. This strategy also includes preventing public access to basic knowledge in the fields of science, economics, Biological weapons
Create the problem and provide the solution
Egyptian security forces stand guard at the site of a bomb attack that targeted the convoy of Egyptian state prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, who died hours after the powerful explosion hit his convoy, in the capital Cairo on June 29, 2015. The bombing came after the Islamic State group's affiliate in Egypt called for attacks on the judiciary following the hanging of six alleged militants.
This strategy is used when those in power want to pass certain decisions that may not be popularly accepted except in the presence of a crisis that may make people themselves call for such decisions to solve the crisis, known as "problem - reaction - solution" by fabricating a situation or problem It calls upon the authorities to take measures, laws and security policies that limit their freedom, or to create an economic crisis to accept a necessary solution that makes people turn their backs on their rights. Social and service degradation General as the solution "evil" is necessary
In order to achieve what is acceptable to you, you can gradually accept a drop of a drop. During the 1980s and 1990s, a number of new and different social and economic conditions were gradually introduced from their predecessor gradually, leading to increased unemployment, inappropriate salaries, instability and decentralization The expansion of privatization, the transfer of ownership from one administration to another, and many radical changes that would have triggered a revolution if they were applied at once
One of the methods used to pass an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful but necessary". It is easier for the public to accept a future decision to accept an immediate decision, because the effort required of the public will not be done immediately. A general trend that "the future is always better" and we can avoid the sacrifice required, and this gives more time for the public to adapt to the decision and accept until the time of implementation
Address the public as if they were children
"If a person is approached as if he were not yet 12 years old, it is also suggested to him that he is indeed so; and because of his vulnerability, it is therefore possible that his or her automatic response or reaction is void of any sense of cash as if it A 12-year-old child. "- Guide to" Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars "
The majority of propaganda advertisements for the general public often use speeches, arguments, and superficial and shallow childish tones, as if the viewer were a small child or mentally disabled
Use the emotional side rather than the contemplative side
The use of the emotional side is a classic method of jumping on the logic and critical sense of individuals in general, the use of the emotional side opens the way to the subconscious mind unconscious to instill thoughts and desires and fears and anxiety and urge to do certain behaviors
Keep the public in a state of ignorance and stupidity
"The quality of education offered to the lower classes must be so poor as to widen the gap between those classes and the elite classes that represent the elite of society, and it is impossible for those lower classes to know the secrets of that gap" - the "Silent Weapons Guide to Quiet Wars"
Thus, society is unable to understand the techniques and methods used to control and enslave it by those in power
Encourage public satisfaction with their ignorance
Encourage the public that it is normal and common to be ignorant, stupid and uneducated
Transform the insurgency into a subjective sense of guilt
By making everyone feel the reason for their depression and misfortune, because of his lack of thinking, intelligence and weak abilities, and lack of efforts on his part, and so instead of rebelling against the system, indulges in a sense of self-decline, which leads to depression that frustrates any attempt to do / Without doing anything, the revolution can never be realized
Know people more than they know themselves
The accelerated scientific progress of the past 50 years has widened the gap between public knowledge and the knowledge possessed by ruling elites. By virtue of biology, neuroscience and applied psychology, the system enables the human body to know physically and psychologically. He knows himself, which means that, in most cases, the system has the most control and power over individuals than individuals themselves
The goals of the strategy of distraction adopted by some Arab rulers have not changed for thousands of years, however the names and places have changed and the goal is to stay in power
From the fact that the country is targeted to a few who seek to subvert it to the owners of foreign agendas ... Many of our Arab rulers are still weaving in the chapters of their only plays that they do not even seek to renew. In the past 50 years, rapid advances in science have led to a widening of the gap between general knowledge and those owned and used by ruling elites. By virtue of neuroscience, biology and applied psychology, the world order has reached advanced knowledge of the human being, both physically and psychologically
This system has become more capable of knowing the average individual than he knows himself, which means that in most cases the system has more authority over individuals than they have on themselves
What calls for this talk is what we see from the semi-literal application of the strategy of distraction of peoples, which are implemented and applied most of the time as necessary according to need, in several types and forms, including distraction of the influence or control of the ruler around him voluntarily or unwillingly and preserve the gains and keep the situation as it is For the longest possible period. The methods used to reach the most effective ways of managing the masses, controlling people, domestically controlling and controlling societies, directing their behavior and controlling their actions and thinking
The Italian leader, Benito Mussolini, was fond of Gustave Labon's book of the crowd, so that he did not leave him. The book of the crowd was a study of the psychological and mental form in which these crowds and groups
Unfortunately, so far, the attention of public opinion in many of our Arab countries has been diverted from the important issues and changes decided by decision-makers by flooding people with a constant stream of trivial information. For the benefit of these rulers, the distractions of the public must be preserved away from real social problems. Towards topics of no importance. And make the people busy and always, but it goes beyond creating a problem or position to provoke a certain reaction by the people, so that the public rush to seek a solution to satisfy him, such as allowing the spread of violence in some urban areas, or the organization of terrorist attacks and may be bloody, General is required even at the expense of freedom. Or create an economic crisis whose exit is conditional on acceptance of the reduction of social rights and the dismantling of public services. These pre-programmed solutions are presented and then accepted as a necessary evil or an unacceptable measure that could provoke a revolution within the country if it was implemented at once To apply it progressively
It is a classic approach to overcoming rational analysis. Thus, the critical sense of people is lost. The use of emotional vocabulary allows the unconscious to pass through to their thoughts and to the preference of desires, fears and emotions. As well as trying to keep people ignorant and foolish so that they are unable to absorb the technologies and methods used to control and enslave them. And finally encourage the people to the desirability of mediocrity and look with satisfaction that he is stupid and obtuse and uneducated,
The objectives of the strategy of distraction adopted by some rulers have not changed since thousands of years, regardless of the names and places. The goal is to remain in power. If there is an opposition that is characterized by several attributes, it is based on the approach expressed by Pharaoh Egypt from his fear of calling the prophet of Allah, I am afraid that your religion will change or that corruption will appear in the earth. "When a believing man from the Pharaoh said," You are killing a man to say God's God. "Pharaoh said," I only show you what I see. Shad "
Nearly half a century ago, some of these Arab rulers were in office and did not want to give up their seats or absolute powers without fighting bloody battles between them and their peoples. During the Arab Spring, the spring of revolutions by the Arab peoples, they commit the same mistake in the face of their people and call them all Types of charges and charges
The distraction of peoples is no longer just a puppet game, with the aim of subjugating its people. Where the savvy is superior. But has become a planned industry. And monitor for the success of funds and studies and strategies for long-term
The vocabulary of distraction between the corrupt media and the art of falling and causing economic and social problems and even sectarian strife between the fabric of society. Perhaps the most recent born in the vocabulary of distraction so-called Altlras. Although football itself is one of the biggest distractions. In our old country, the songs and melodies were composed for her, "Enta Ahlawi and Zamalekawi". In the past it was also said, "Give me a corrupt media, give you a subordinate people"
Although the term "violent intolerance" has been invented by Italy since the 1960s and was said in Latin America 50 years ago, the sons of the ousted Mubarak brought the idea to our country in 1995, so that these innocent young people (the birth of the people) are the best propaganda in the cause of inheritance. Vtlonit political Kalharba and entered the corridors of sport and spoiled the two together
Despite the passage of more than 500 years to put the ideas of Mikavelli author of the famous famous end justify the means in his famous Prince (Prince), which gave tips to each dictator how to govern his people. Since then, these ideas have become the most important nucleus for the formulation of complete policies for the arts and strategies of distracting people
And because rulers everywhere and time have not changed over the centuries, they all have one goal: to remain in power indefinitely. In order to maintain this rule they commit all crimes against human rights and invent tricks and tricks to distract their people from oppression and greed in government. It is not only Arab tricks and tricks, but we have been preceded by the tyrants of the West. He is not afraid of what George W. Bush did to ignite wars everywhere to escape rumors about his election and fraud. Many of our Arab rulers still go the same way and are fooled in deceiving peoples day and night
The phenomenon is reflected in the era of deposed President Mubarak, where he invented the obsession with population increase to justify the austerity policy and the sale of the public sector to cover up the corruption and corruption of his entourage
"Mass suicide"
Asim el-Desouki, a professor of modern history at Helwan University, asserts that the policy of alienating peoples is an ancient policy of man himself. The kings of the pharaohs and the ancient kingdoms entertained their peoples by devising holidays and occasions in which these monarchs monopolize money or food banquets as an alternative to the country's economic and political problems. Any attempts at coup d'état and dissolution of the opposition were suppressed by fomenting wars outside the country
But the Arab rulers have never learned from history, especially since they have been sitting on their thrones and positions for many years, and they do not want to give up their chairs or their absolute powers. When the Arab peoples began to move and gave up, The winds of change here and there, we find them committing the same mistakes in the face of their people and calling them the same charges and delusions such as those that toppled the Tunisian President and the Egyptian President and the Libyan President and the rest of them are following the same method as the Syrian president now as if they had agreed now Hot mass, Fterahm resort to excessive violence and sometimes promises reforms are useless at other times. Indeed, some Arab Gulf kingdoms have adopted an old-fashioned approach such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, which has enriched their citizens with money and attractive grants to keep them from thinking of revolutions against them.
"Media independence"
The policy of distraction from the point of view of Dr. Ali Ajwa, the dean of the former Faculty of Media is a policy that has succeeded significantly in developing countries more than civilized countries, as seen by the absolute use of the rulers of the media and its dependence on him in his policy of distraction and deception of peoples, Information in contrast to the media in civilized countries and its characteristics in independence and objectivity and its objectives in expressing the reality of society and its problems
Ajwa says: The elite of the community of intellectuals, politicians and parliamentarians among the reasons for the submission of the media full of the will of the ruler. And not to stand in front of this drift and face it in addition to the ways of the ruler of coercion to abort any attempt to clarify the truth either denied or isolated within the community and many other methods of brutality. The media was the most important tool in guiding people on the issue of fabricated issues and intentional intractions and to keep people away from the facts and to search for their trivial details
Ajwa adds that the methods of distracting the people through the media are numerous, such as focusing on the matches of the country and creating a gap between the fans of the teams and the distinction between them as Ahli and Zamalek fans. Sometimes creating a gap and a mock battle between the peoples and some of them, such as the case of Egypt and Algeria because of a football match
The Dean of the former Media College believes that the solution to the lack of media in the policy of delinquency is its independence from governments, and what is expected to happen in the coming days after the Arab revolutions and ending the phenomenon of fear that filled the hearts of peoples in Egypt and the Arab world, especially that fear is what kills the conscience of the media or thinker
"Distraction with terrorism"
Dr. Hasan al-Khouli, a professor of political sociology at Ain Shams University, says that the ruler's ways of distracting many people may go beyond creating a problem or a position to provoke a certain reaction in people so that the public will rush to demand a solution such as permitting the spread of violence in certain sensitive areas Even if at the expense of the freedom of others, or the creation of an economic crisis, the exit of which is contingent upon the acceptance of the minimum human rights and the dismantling of some vital public services. Accordingly, solutions programmed to us are submitted in advance and must be accepted. It is a necessary evil or an unacceptable procedure or law that could provoke an internal revolution in the country if it was implemented at once and applied gradually until it is accepted.
Al-Khouli asserts that political science to distract peoples is taught at the academic and political levels to security men and decision-makers, and the ones who teach, develop and implement their curricula are the intelligence services of each country. And if we want a clear example of this is what happened when the sinking of the peace in Egypt years ago and the concentration of the great state at the time and mobilize the emotions of people around the African Cup of Nations to distract people from this event, which is indicative of the poor governance of the country and corrupt corruption in it
"Lost Youth"
The phenomenon of Alaltras which has become one of the most important social phenomena of this generation and the first accused of distracting young people. In the former regime left to distract him from the problems of his community. This was confirmed by Dr. Ammar Ali Hassan, a political and social researcher, who said that Al-Attras was associated with the recent events of unfortunate events including the Port Said Stadium and the recent clashes between the Ministry of Interior and the former due to the lack of experience of these young political and intellectual. Although this phenomenon was created by the former regime and the leadership of Gamal Mubarak in the 1990s with the aim of forming a large base of young people to support his plan to rule the country as well as its establishment of the Future Generation Society and several youth projects, young people found themselves lost in these organized gatherings because they achieved the simplest rules of sociology In the search for the individual idea or issue belongs to it, and the expression of young people themselves with violence and barbarism that the former regime has grown heavy and not to address him and leave him as a kind of venting and distraction from what is happening around them
"From time to time, driving from time to time in the events of the society is implicated in the problems exploited by the remnants of the former regime to entertain people, political parties and movements either in defending or condemning them. There is a deep and great debate among the members of the society in exchange for leaving the basic issues and objectives of the real revolution, This is what is happening now, days after the events of the Ahly and Egyptian match in Port Said, which claimed the lives of about 75 people and the dispute between the innocence of Altras Alborsaidi and reaction Alaltras Ahlawi, where there is revenge among the fans of the two clubs and this is shown by various media and Internet sites. Pointing out the angry reactions of activists on social networking sites Facebook to protest the events of Port Said after the color of black mourning is the color spread on the pages of most activists, where the comments came many evidenced the success of the state to distract the Egyptian people after the fabrication of such crises, including " Some call for the abolition of the free zone in Port Said as a punishment for the entire Port Said people for this crime. " Another comment says: "In our country, the country is near, O Ghalib, you have been defeated, but you have not fought, you are dead." Another says "the transition period has turned into a reprisal period"
"Distraction strategies"
For his part, Dr. Qadri Hefni, a professor of psychology, said that the arts of alienation of peoples were effective earlier, but now with the media openness it becomes difficult, especially with the similarity of the mechanisms of this policy in all countries, which was recently summarized by the American thinker Noam Chomsky in ten strategies to control the peoples As follows. The strategy of community distraction is to divert the attention of the public to important problems. The strategy of creating problems and then providing solutions. And the gradualization and implementation strategy. The deferred strategy is another method to resort to in order to make decisions that are objectionable to accept. And the strategy of addressing the people as a group of young children. And the strategy of arousing emotion instead of thought. And the strategy of keeping the people in a state of ignorance and folly. And the strategy of encouraging the people on the desirability of mediocrity. And the strategy of compensating the insurgency with guilt. And the strategy of knowing individuals more than they know themselves
According to Dr. Hafni The Arab peoples - not as some describe them - are emotional peoples and do not control their mind in the course of their lives. The previous days and events of revolutions confirmed the opposite in the thinking of organized peoples and their analysis of things and events and their political confrontation. Pointing to the role of the wise elite in raising public awareness and public opinion to avoid any attempt to deceive by the rulers or beneficiaries to abort revolutions in addition to the role of responsible national media in detecting plots against the people or ways to end it
On the other hand, Dr. Shawki al-Sayyid al-Faqih stressed that the violation of the charter of honor by the ruler, which he vowed to preserve the homeland and the interests of citizens, is a crime of treason worthy of political and criminal punishment. Because any violation of the basic responsibility committed by the Governor or his staff is a serious breach of the functions of his job in the service of the people and the fact that the facts lead to legal accountability if he tried to do the tricks of distraction from public interests or claim rights for personal interests and individual gain for these rulers and leaders
According to Dr. Shawki: The Arab rulers and what they have done in the past decades of the absence of the minds of their people and away from the real problems in exchange for imaginary problems they created as sectarian conflicts or border trends deserve to have two trials: the first political and political punishment of political isolation from the position and the second criminal trial and the penalty is determined by imprisonment or death by The damage caused to the society from the fabrication of problems and crises, which may reach the death of dozens and hundreds of the result of those imaginary crises

Many of the rulers and power holders hide their agendas and their real plans by using the media and propaganda, which have the most prominent role in forming and forming public opinion, by virtue of which social movements emerge or disappear, simplify and ease some Economic crises, the justification of wars, and the fueling of differences between different ideologies
This is how the critic and thinker Noam Chomsky, who answers the question, how does the media affect us psychologically in this way? Through the crystallization of 10 strategies used by the media directed to bring about these psychological effects, and although some of these tools is clear that it still has a large amount of effectiveness and influence on people, and from the point of view of some of these tools insulting and promote stupidity, was based on Chomsky in revealing these strategies "A very confidential document" dating back to May 1979, and found in 1986, entitled "Silent Weapons for a Quiet War", a booklet or guide to human control and control of communities
In this report we are talking about the 10 strategies used by the media to distract and control people. We rely mainly on Noam Chomsky's article in this regard
In this article, the world of linguistics and American thinker Noam Chomsky based on "a very secret document" dating back to 1979 and was found in 1986 by coincidence, and bearing an interesting title
"Silent weapons for a quiet war"
It is a manual or guide to control human beings and societies, and specialists are likely to belong to some circles of global influence that usually bring together senior politicians, capitalists and experts in various fields
In this article, "Strategies of Control, Guidance, and Deception," Shomsky puts us in the face of intelligent methods that the world's influential circles use through the media to manipulate the masses of people, direct their behavior and control their actions and thinking in different countries of the world.
Strategy of distraction
"Keep public attention away from real social problems and trivial matters of no importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy without having any time to think, just go back to the farm with other animals. "Extract document" Silent weapons for quiet wars "
Chomsky says that an essential element of social control is to divert public attention to the important social issues and changes defined by political and economic elites by exporting a large number of distractions and trivial information. This strategy also includes preventing public access to basic knowledge in the fields of science, economics, Biological weapons
Create the problem and provide the solution
Egyptian security forces stand guard at the site of a bomb attack that targeted the convoy of Egyptian state prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, who died hours after the powerful explosion hit his convoy, in the capital Cairo on June 29, 2015. The bombing came after the Islamic State group's affiliate in Egypt called for attacks on the judiciary following the hanging of six alleged militants.
This strategy is used when those in power want to pass certain decisions that may not be popularly accepted except in the presence of a crisis that may make people themselves call for such decisions to solve the crisis, known as "problem - reaction - solution" by fabricating a situation or problem It calls upon the authorities to take measures, laws and security policies that limit their freedom, or to create an economic crisis to accept a necessary solution that makes people turn their backs on their rights. Social and service degradation General as the solution "evil" is necessary
In order to achieve what is acceptable to you, you can gradually accept a drop of a drop. During the 1980s and 1990s, a number of new and different social and economic conditions were gradually introduced from their predecessor gradually, leading to increased unemployment, inappropriate salaries, instability and decentralization The expansion of privatization, the transfer of ownership from one administration to another, and many radical changes that would have triggered a revolution if they were applied at once
One of the methods used to pass an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful but necessary". It is easier for the public to accept a future decision to accept an immediate decision, because the effort required of the public will not be done immediately. A general trend that "the future is always better" and we can avoid the sacrifice required, and this gives more time for the public to adapt to the decision and accept until the time of implementation
Address the public as if they were children
"If a person is approached as if he were not yet 12 years old, it is also suggested to him that he is indeed so; and because of his vulnerability, it is therefore possible that his or her automatic response or reaction is void of any sense of cash as if it A 12-year-old child. "- Guide to" Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars "
The majority of propaganda advertisements for the general public often use speeches, arguments, and superficial and shallow childish tones, as if the viewer were a small child or mentally disabled
Use the emotional side rather than the contemplative side
The use of the emotional side is a classic method of jumping on the logic and critical sense of individuals in general, the use of the emotional side opens the way to the subconscious mind unconscious to instill thoughts and desires and fears and anxiety and urge to do certain behaviors
Keep the public in a state of ignorance and stupidity
"The quality of education offered to the lower classes must be so poor as to widen the gap between those classes and the elite classes that represent the elite of society, and it is impossible for those lower classes to know the secrets of that gap" - the "Silent Weapons Guide to Quiet Wars"
Thus, society is unable to understand the techniques and methods used to control and enslave it by those in power
Encourage public satisfaction with their ignorance
Encourage the public that it is normal and common to be ignorant, stupid and uneducated
Transform the insurgency into a subjective sense of guilt
By making everyone feel the reason for their depression and misfortune, because of his lack of thinking, intelligence and weak abilities, and lack of efforts on his part, and so instead of rebelling against the system, indulges in a sense of self-decline, which leads to depression that frustrates any attempt to do / Without doing anything, the revolution can never be realized
Know people more than they know themselves
The accelerated scientific progress of the past 50 years has widened the gap between public knowledge and the knowledge possessed by ruling elites. By virtue of biology, neuroscience and applied psychology, the system enables the human body to know physically and psychologically. He knows himself, which means that, in most cases, the system has the most control and power over individuals than individuals themselves
The goals of the strategy of distraction adopted by some Arab rulers have not changed for thousands of years, however the names and places have changed and the goal is to stay in power
From the fact that the country is targeted to a few who seek to subvert it to the owners of foreign agendas ... Many of our Arab rulers are still weaving in the chapters of their only plays that they do not even seek to renew. In the past 50 years, rapid advances in science have led to a widening of the gap between general knowledge and those owned and used by ruling elites. By virtue of neuroscience, biology and applied psychology, the world order has reached advanced knowledge of the human being, both physically and psychologically
This system has become more capable of knowing the average individual than he knows himself, which means that in most cases the system has more authority over individuals than they have on themselves
What calls for this talk is what we see from the semi-literal application of the strategy of distraction of peoples, which are implemented and applied most of the time as necessary according to need, in several types and forms, including distraction of the influence or control of the ruler around him voluntarily or unwillingly and preserve the gains and keep the situation as it is For the longest possible period. The methods used to reach the most effective ways of managing the masses, controlling people, domestically controlling and controlling societies, directing their behavior and controlling their actions and thinking
The Italian leader, Benito Mussolini, was fond of Gustave Labon's book of the crowd, so that he did not leave him. The book of the crowd was a study of the psychological and mental form in which these crowds and groups
Unfortunately, so far, the attention of public opinion in many of our Arab countries has been diverted from the important issues and changes decided by decision-makers by flooding people with a constant stream of trivial information. For the benefit of these rulers, the distractions of the public must be preserved away from real social problems. Towards topics of no importance. And make the people busy and always, but it goes beyond creating a problem or position to provoke a certain reaction by the people, so that the public rush to seek a solution to satisfy him, such as allowing the spread of violence in some urban areas, or the organization of terrorist attacks and may be bloody, General is required even at the expense of freedom. Or create an economic crisis whose exit is conditional on acceptance of the reduction of social rights and the dismantling of public services. These pre-programmed solutions are presented and then accepted as a necessary evil or an unacceptable measure that could provoke a revolution within the country if it was implemented at once To apply it progressively
It is a classic approach to overcoming rational analysis. Thus, the critical sense of people is lost. The use of emotional vocabulary allows the unconscious to pass through to their thoughts and to the preference of desires, fears and emotions. As well as trying to keep people ignorant and foolish so that they are unable to absorb the technologies and methods used to control and enslave them. And finally encourage the people to the desirability of mediocrity and look with satisfaction that he is stupid and obtuse and uneducated,
The objectives of the strategy of distraction adopted by some rulers have not changed since thousands of years, regardless of the names and places. The goal is to remain in power. If there is an opposition that is characterized by several attributes, it is based on the approach expressed by Pharaoh Egypt from his fear of calling the prophet of Allah, I am afraid that your religion will change or that corruption will appear in the earth. "When a believing man from the Pharaoh said," You are killing a man to say God's God. "Pharaoh said," I only show you what I see. Shad "
Nearly half a century ago, some of these Arab rulers were in office and did not want to give up their seats or absolute powers without fighting bloody battles between them and their peoples. During the Arab Spring, the spring of revolutions by the Arab peoples, they commit the same mistake in the face of their people and call them all Types of charges and charges
The distraction of peoples is no longer just a puppet game, with the aim of subjugating its people. Where the savvy is superior. But has become a planned industry. And monitor for the success of funds and studies and strategies for long-term
The vocabulary of distraction between the corrupt media and the art of falling and causing economic and social problems and even sectarian strife between the fabric of society. Perhaps the most recent born in the vocabulary of distraction so-called Altlras. Although football itself is one of the biggest distractions. In our old country, the songs and melodies were composed for her, "Enta Ahlawi and Zamalekawi". In the past it was also said, "Give me a corrupt media, give you a subordinate people"
Although the term "violent intolerance" has been invented by Italy since the 1960s and was said in Latin America 50 years ago, the sons of the ousted Mubarak brought the idea to our country in 1995, so that these innocent young people (the birth of the people) are the best propaganda in the cause of inheritance. Vtlonit political Kalharba and entered the corridors of sport and spoiled the two together
Despite the passage of more than 500 years to put the ideas of Mikavelli author of the famous famous end justify the means in his famous Prince (Prince), which gave tips to each dictator how to govern his people. Since then, these ideas have become the most important nucleus for the formulation of complete policies for the arts and strategies of distracting people
And because rulers everywhere and time have not changed over the centuries, they all have one goal: to remain in power indefinitely. In order to maintain this rule they commit all crimes against human rights and invent tricks and tricks to distract their people from oppression and greed in government. It is not only Arab tricks and tricks, but we have been preceded by the tyrants of the West. He is not afraid of what George W. Bush did to ignite wars everywhere to escape rumors about his election and fraud. Many of our Arab rulers still go the same way and are fooled in deceiving peoples day and night
The phenomenon is reflected in the era of deposed President Mubarak, where he invented the obsession with population increase to justify the austerity policy and the sale of the public sector to cover up the corruption and corruption of his entourage
"Mass suicide"
Asim el-Desouki, a professor of modern history at Helwan University, asserts that the policy of alienating peoples is an ancient policy of man himself. The kings of the pharaohs and the ancient kingdoms entertained their peoples by devising holidays and occasions in which these monarchs monopolize money or food banquets as an alternative to the country's economic and political problems. Any attempts at coup d'état and dissolution of the opposition were suppressed by fomenting wars outside the country
But the Arab rulers have never learned from history, especially since they have been sitting on their thrones and positions for many years, and they do not want to give up their chairs or their absolute powers. When the Arab peoples began to move and gave up, The winds of change here and there, we find them committing the same mistakes in the face of their people and calling them the same charges and delusions such as those that toppled the Tunisian President and the Egyptian President and the Libyan President and the rest of them are following the same method as the Syrian president now as if they had agreed now Hot mass, Fterahm resort to excessive violence and sometimes promises reforms are useless at other times. Indeed, some Arab Gulf kingdoms have adopted an old-fashioned approach such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, which has enriched their citizens with money and attractive grants to keep them from thinking of revolutions against them.
"Media independence"
The policy of distraction from the point of view of Dr. Ali Ajwa, the dean of the former Faculty of Media is a policy that has succeeded significantly in developing countries more than civilized countries, as seen by the absolute use of the rulers of the media and its dependence on him in his policy of distraction and deception of peoples, Information in contrast to the media in civilized countries and its characteristics in independence and objectivity and its objectives in expressing the reality of society and its problems
Ajwa says: The elite of the community of intellectuals, politicians and parliamentarians among the reasons for the submission of the media full of the will of the ruler. And not to stand in front of this drift and face it in addition to the ways of the ruler of coercion to abort any attempt to clarify the truth either denied or isolated within the community and many other methods of brutality. The media was the most important tool in guiding people on the issue of fabricated issues and intentional intractions and to keep people away from the facts and to search for their trivial details
Ajwa adds that the methods of distracting the people through the media are numerous, such as focusing on the matches of the country and creating a gap between the fans of the teams and the distinction between them as Ahli and Zamalek fans. Sometimes creating a gap and a mock battle between the peoples and some of them, such as the case of Egypt and Algeria because of a football match
The Dean of the former Media College believes that the solution to the lack of media in the policy of delinquency is its independence from governments, and what is expected to happen in the coming days after the Arab revolutions and ending the phenomenon of fear that filled the hearts of peoples in Egypt and the Arab world, especially that fear is what kills the conscience of the media or thinker
"Distraction with terrorism"
Dr. Hasan al-Khouli, a professor of political sociology at Ain Shams University, says that the ruler's ways of distracting many people may go beyond creating a problem or a position to provoke a certain reaction in people so that the public will rush to demand a solution such as permitting the spread of violence in certain sensitive areas Even if at the expense of the freedom of others, or the creation of an economic crisis, the exit of which is contingent upon the acceptance of the minimum human rights and the dismantling of some vital public services. Accordingly, solutions programmed to us are submitted in advance and must be accepted. It is a necessary evil or an unacceptable procedure or law that could provoke an internal revolution in the country if it was implemented at once and applied gradually until it is accepted.
Al-Khouli asserts that political science to distract peoples is taught at the academic and political levels to security men and decision-makers, and the ones who teach, develop and implement their curricula are the intelligence services of each country. And if we want a clear example of this is what happened when the sinking of the peace in Egypt years ago and the concentration of the great state at the time and mobilize the emotions of people around the African Cup of Nations to distract people from this event, which is indicative of the poor governance of the country and corrupt corruption in it
"Lost Youth"
The phenomenon of Alaltras which has become one of the most important social phenomena of this generation and the first accused of distracting young people. In the former regime left to distract him from the problems of his community. This was confirmed by Dr. Ammar Ali Hassan, a political and social researcher, who said that Al-Attras was associated with the recent events of unfortunate events including the Port Said Stadium and the recent clashes between the Ministry of Interior and the former due to the lack of experience of these young political and intellectual. Although this phenomenon was created by the former regime and the leadership of Gamal Mubarak in the 1990s with the aim of forming a large base of young people to support his plan to rule the country as well as its establishment of the Future Generation Society and several youth projects, young people found themselves lost in these organized gatherings because they achieved the simplest rules of sociology In the search for the individual idea or issue belongs to it, and the expression of young people themselves with violence and barbarism that the former regime has grown heavy and not to address him and leave him as a kind of venting and distraction from what is happening around them
"From time to time, driving from time to time in the events of the society is implicated in the problems exploited by the remnants of the former regime to entertain people, political parties and movements either in defending or condemning them. There is a deep and great debate among the members of the society in exchange for leaving the basic issues and objectives of the real revolution, This is what is happening now, days after the events of the Ahly and Egyptian match in Port Said, which claimed the lives of about 75 people and the dispute between the innocence of Altras Alborsaidi and reaction Alaltras Ahlawi, where there is revenge among the fans of the two clubs and this is shown by various media and Internet sites. Pointing out the angry reactions of activists on social networking sites Facebook to protest the events of Port Said after the color of black mourning is the color spread on the pages of most activists, where the comments came many evidenced the success of the state to distract the Egyptian people after the fabrication of such crises, including " Some call for the abolition of the free zone in Port Said as a punishment for the entire Port Said people for this crime. " Another comment says: "In our country, the country is near, O Ghalib, you have been defeated, but you have not fought, you are dead." Another says "the transition period has turned into a reprisal period"
"Distraction strategies"
For his part, Dr. Qadri Hefni, a professor of psychology, said that the arts of alienation of peoples were effective earlier, but now with the media openness it becomes difficult, especially with the similarity of the mechanisms of this policy in all countries, which was recently summarized by the American thinker Noam Chomsky in ten strategies to control the peoples As follows. The strategy of community distraction is to divert the attention of the public to important problems. The strategy of creating problems and then providing solutions. And the gradualization and implementation strategy. The deferred strategy is another method to resort to in order to make decisions that are objectionable to accept. And the strategy of addressing the people as a group of young children. And the strategy of arousing emotion instead of thought. And the strategy of keeping the people in a state of ignorance and folly. And the strategy of encouraging the people on the desirability of mediocrity. And the strategy of compensating the insurgency with guilt. And the strategy of knowing individuals more than they know themselves
According to Dr. Hafni The Arab peoples - not as some describe them - are emotional peoples and do not control their mind in the course of their lives. The previous days and events of revolutions confirmed the opposite in the thinking of organized peoples and their analysis of things and events and their political confrontation. Pointing to the role of the wise elite in raising public awareness and public opinion to avoid any attempt to deceive by the rulers or beneficiaries to abort revolutions in addition to the role of responsible national media in detecting plots against the people or ways to end it
On the other hand, Dr. Shawki al-Sayyid al-Faqih stressed that the violation of the charter of honor by the ruler, which he vowed to preserve the homeland and the interests of citizens, is a crime of treason worthy of political and criminal punishment. Because any violation of the basic responsibility committed by the Governor or his staff is a serious breach of the functions of his job in the service of the people and the fact that the facts lead to legal accountability if he tried to do the tricks of distraction from public interests or claim rights for personal interests and individual gain for these rulers and leaders
According to Dr. Shawki: The Arab rulers and what they have done in the past decades of the absence of the minds of their people and away from the real problems in exchange for imaginary problems they created as sectarian conflicts or border trends deserve to have two trials: the first political and political punishment of political isolation from the position and the second criminal trial and the penalty is determined by imprisonment or death by The damage caused to the society from the fabrication of problems and crises, which may reach the death of dozens and hundreds of the result of those imaginary crises
"The art of setback and Mubarak"
Tariq al-Shennawi, the film critic, believes that the art of alienating people by using art in films, series and songs has been used extensively in Egypt, especially in times of crisis and war. For example, the cinema was set after the setback of 67, F) A bushman and a mister. And others in order to alleviate the people and draw the smile on their faces and at the same time to deflect the causes of defeat as well as censorship of the films and allowed the presence of sex scenes in the cinema significantly, including films (Bath Malatelli) and (Khalk Balzk of Zuzu) in addition to leave space to breathe through criticism of some things Which was forbidden even hinted at, such as criticism of the Socialist Union and this came in accordance with instructions from President Gamal Abdel Nasser to alleviate the morale of the Egyptian people
Al-Shennawi refers to the era of Mubarak, in which art was used as an important tool to distract people from poverty and the deterioration of education and health. The wave of contracting films, video clips and comedies, including films, and the spread of satellite channels, dance channels and songs. He says that the distraction of peoples using art is always accompanied by a kind of corruption of the public mood because of the deterioration of the status of society in that period, so the individual has the willingness to accept anything even if outside the framework
In an article in the Independent, writer Patrick Cockburn wonders: "It is strange that the Arab rulers, one after the other, make mistakes that toppled Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian Hosni Mubarak"
These tyrants, such as Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi and Ali Abdullah Saleh, are acting in Yemen, as if they had agreed to commit mass suicide. They resorted to excessive violence at times, and promises to carry out reforms of no avail at other times in sufficient quantities to discredit them and disrupt their regimes.
They suddenly discovered that the recipes that enabled them to stay in power since the early 1970s are no longer effective, and it applies to both monarchies and republics because they work the same way, and they forget that if an atom of truth stood in front of a mountain of falsehood to defeat it
These strategies and the methods of repression adopted by the rulers over the past decades have been an advantage to them by manipulating their societies and peoples. Now, the origins of the game have varied. The revolution of technology, which made it available to the peoples, as well as the miserable situation of a large segment of the population and the excessive singing of the rulers, with the possibility of knowing the size and richness of the rulers by a very wide segment of the public. Which requires the Arab rulers to quickly implement political and social reforms and not to cling to methods that do not benefit, but harm, such as the characterization of the opposition and the demands of political reforms of all the bad characterization or the involvement of sectarianism or foreign countries in the matter and God conciliator
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