The fact of the criminal infidel Santa Claus (St. Nicholas)

Did you get a gift from Santa Claus, and did you wish to get a gift from him one day? Do you feel happy when you see someone wearing their clothes or watching a movie? Have you worn your own red hat before? If your answer is yes, you are the victim of falsifying history. The thing that many of us do not know is that the fat, fat man who spends his life traveling to delight children all over the world is a criminal and a terrorist,

The Pope, nicknamed "Saint Nicholas" or "Santa Claus," was the title of the saint who was baptized by Nicholas the Bishop of Mira. In this compound, the criminal attacked the priest Arius, who was calling for united and received the support of every Christian in the world. He beat him brutally while the priest is presenting his evidence that God is one and Christ is not the Son of God. Instead of civilized debate, Who were present to be expelled from the compound and then imprisoned, before To go out again and practice terrorism against the Christians united and destroy the unified churches in the areas that he was Bishop of them and kill and torture all the uniteds,

The Church decided to steal a mythical figure in the Scandinavian heritage of the idolatrous god of a white man called " Odin "was flying legend by vehicle in the winter and distribute gifts on 25 December each year, the church stole from" Odin "everything from his plane and his plane to the way pilots and white beard and lied to their saint, the criminal Nicholas, who was in fact killed and tortured and destroyed and raped, robbed and stole the uniteds.

This Santa Claus had nothing to do with gifts and children. He was a terrorist murderer and his truth was concealed from us and deceived us since our childhood, in order to keep ignorant of their dirty truth, which he hid for hundreds of years.

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Lies are that The Santa Claus is a character folkloric, archetypal and mythic related to the celebration Christmas, appeared in its present representation, in the middle of the xix th  century in the West, but with deep roots in ancient rituals and beliefs. He is sometimes associated with Mother Christmas. and that With the arrival of Christianity, there were several reforms to try to remove the old rituals: in France, under the Old Regime , the 1 st January is set as the first day of the calendar year by the Edict of Roussillon August 9, 1564, but other states had adopted it before, like the Holy Roman Empire. On the side of Lyon, before the edict, for example, the year just beginning 25 December the 10.

Also lies that in historiography, the "Winter man" goes back to the Middle Ages, he is this worn-out man who comes to warm up in the new fire (the big consecrated log) and to whom presents are offered. In the xviii th  century, the idea of Christmas as a holy day of the family made its way as the aristocracy than the bourgeois and artisans. During the first industrial revolution, a process was put in place that combines gifts, commerce and moments of generosity towards children: it is the invention of the showcase full of toys and the myth of the fireplace, deeply urban.


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