
Showing posts from August, 2017

Because of the absence of officials and the non-respect of the responsibilities, a man dies of a heart attack in the train station

Several media have echoed the circumstances of this death due to a heart attack. They reported that the traveler who was waiting for a train scheduled around 5 am had strongly protested against the absence of the officials of the station after a long delay of the train. The same sources also pointed to the delay in the arrival of the ambulances and the care, which cost the life of this traveler. The man in his fifties, accompanied by his wife, was waiting for an ONCF train on Tuesday morning at Casa Voyageur station, Casablanca, Morocco. The train was late, a lot late as is often the case. According to witnesses, the man, diabetic, with a heart device, wanted to talk to officials to know if his train would arrive. But impossible to find an interlocutor. After more than three hours of waiting, the man, out of breath,  a foam came out of his mouth, he peed in his pant, his wife screamed DON'T LEAVE, he  died of a heart attack. Boycott the oncf PLEASE, it's meanless t

Aïd Al Adha: Salaries of civil servants will be paid in advance

The Ministry of Finance has decided to pay the salaries of public officials on August 25, in anticipation of Eid Al Adha. It was the Minister of Economy Mohamed Boussaid who announced it on his twitter account. Officials will thus receive their salaries directly from their bank accounts on that date, since they are taken to make big expenses for Aid El Kebir and for the start of the school year. Recall that according to the forecasts of renowned astronomers, Aid El Kebir is normally scheduled for September 1. The official date will be announced on Tuesday.

M'dina Bus: "Without sharing this video, we probably would not have known about this case" (MAINTENANCE)

Rape video: SCANDALE - Sad chance of the calendar, it is a sordid affair that bursts this Monday August 21, day of the festival of the youth. A widely shared video on the web and social networks, which we have chosen not to relay, reveals an aggression that scandalizes Moroccans, to the point where a sit-in solidarity with the victim, and denounce the harassment Sexual in the public space, is about to be organized this Wednesday 23 August afternoon in Casablanca, on the Place Maréchal. In the video posted on the night of August 20-21, a girl is seen during the day, sexually assaulted on a bus, assaulted by hilarious teenagers when denuding it, to make her Touching and preventing him from screaming. Six minors have been arrested, according to a statement from the DGSN, for their alleged involvement in "an indecent assault committed with violence against a girl suffering from mental disorders, the recording of these acts on video and its broadca

King Salman would have disbursed $ 100 million during his holidays in Tangier

TANGER - The most expensive vacation of all time? In any case, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz says that King Salmane bin Abdelaziz Al Saoud has disbursed no less than 100 million dollars during his highly publicized stay in the city of the Straits. According to the Israeli newspaper, King Salman of Saudi Arabia was accompanied during his stay by nearly 1,000 people, including ministers, councilors, family members and security guards, Hotels have been booked in the most luxurious establishments in the city, and nearly 200 cars rented. Haaretz said that this trip alone could represent 1.5% of the kingdom's annual revenues from foreign tourism. It must be said that this summer residence is one of King Salmane's favorites. It is here that one of his sons married last year, with great pomp of course. A residence that has undergone many works in 2016, despite the austerity measures imposed by the Saudi government. The US newspaper The New York Times revealed last December th

كيف تحكمت أمريكا والغرب في الاقتصاد العالمي؟

انت معك ذهب وأنا معي ذهب بدلا من التعامل بهذا الذهب نضعه في خزنة عندي حتي لا يضيع ونستبدله بأوراق تعادل قيمة هذه الذهب ويمكنك استرداد الذهب متي اردت إذا أعطيتني 35 دولار للأوقية. وأمتلئ العالم بالدولارات بعد فترة ليس لك عندي ذهب نحن الآن نتعامل بقيمة هذه العملة (حبر علي ورق) .. ولن أعطي أحد ذهبي فأصبح معهم الذهب النادر صاحب القيمة الحقيقية واصبحت عملتهم ذات قيمة (وهمية) عالية وهي مجرد حبر علي ورق ونحن ملزمون بالتعامل بها هذه ماحدث بطريقة مبسطة جدا مؤتمر النقد الدولي بريتون وودز عام 1944 تم فيه سحب الذهب من التعامل المباشر من أيدي الناس وجعلهم يتعاملون بورق وتعهدت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في اتفاقية بريتون وودز أمام دول العالم بأن من يسلمها خمسة وثلاثين دولارا تسلمه تغطية الدولار من الذهب وهي أوقية ( أونصة ) من الذهب!! الدولار بعد هذه الاتفاقية (المكيدة) صار يسمى عملة صعبة!! وصار العالم كله أفرادا ودولاً يثق بالدولار باعتباره عملة للتداول لأنه مطمئن أن الولايات المتحدة ستسلمه ما يقابل ورق الدولار من الذهب !! واستمر الوضع على هذا حتى خرج الرئ

How did America and the West controlled the world economy ?

You have gold and i have gold Instead of dealing with this gold put it in my safe so it is not wasted And we'll replace it with papers equal to the value of this gold You can recover your gold whenever you want if you give me $ 35 an ounce. The world is full of dollars After a period I don't owe you any gold We are now dealing with the value of this coin (ink on paper) .. and I will not give my gold to anyone And they became owning the rare gold with the real value Their currency become with fake highly value And It is just ink on paper and we are obliged to deal with it This is what happened in a very simplified way: International Monetary Conference Bretton Woods in 1944 was withdrawn from gold direct dealing from the hands of people and deal with paper, The United States pledged to the Bretton Woods Convention to the world that those who hand it thirty-five dollars will receive gold coverage of gold, an ounce of gold !! Dollar after this agreement

تاريخ المسيحيين المرعب، الذين يتهمون الإسلام الآن بالإرهاب.

عندما وصل الإيطالي الصليبي كولومبوس الي القارة الأمريكية ظن أنه وصل للساحل الغربي لبلاد الهند فأطلق على سكانها أسم الهنود الحمر بسبب لونهم المميز المائل إلى الحمرة .. علي الرغم من أنهم ليس لهم علاقة بالهنود «لماذا تطلقون علينا اسم الهنود؟» قالها مشتكياً أحد أفراد شعب الماساتشوسِتْ للمبشر البيوريتاني جون إليوت في عام 1646م. وسكن هؤلاء هذا المكان قبل آلاف السنين وعاشوا فيها حياه بسيطة اعتمدوا فيها على الصيد و زراعة الأراضي وكونوا ثقافة خاصة بهم وبنوا أساس تعاملاتهم على العهود والمواثيق الشفهية لذا عظموا الصدق وغرسوه في نفوس أبنائهم وتميزوا بالاهتمام بالحضارة الروحية وتمجيد الأخلاق وجعلوا للمرأة مكانة خاصة في حياتهم فمن يؤذي المرأة يعتبرون ذو أخلاق بهيمية فقد كانوا أناس مسالمون وتراثهم مليء بالمعاني الإنسانية والرفق بالإنسان والحيوان يقول القس الإسباني برتولوميو دي لاس كاساس المولود عام 1484 م يصف السكان الملحيين في كاتب أهداه إلى الملك فيليب الثاني : (إنهم أناس بسطاء وطيبون لدرجة كبيرة... صبورون، ومتواضعون، وسذج جداً، ومطيعون... بعيدون عن الشرور، وعن الحيل، والخداع... وهم يبدون

The Horrible history of the Christians, who invented the word 'Terrorism' against Islam.

When the Crusader Italian Columbus arrived in the American continent, he thought that he had arrived in the western coast of the country of India. The inhabitants were called the Indians because of their distinctive color reddish .. Although they have nothing to do with the Indians. "Why do you call us the name of the Indians?" Said one of the masochists of the Puritan missionary John Elliot in 1646. They lived here thousands of years ago and lived in a simple life where they depended on hunting and cultivating land. The Spanish priest, Ptolemy de Las Casas, born in 1484, describes the salty population in a writer who gave it to King Philip II: (They are simple and very good people ... patient, humble, very naive, obedient ... far from evil, deceit, and deceit ... They show great commitment to their traditions and obey the Spaniards ... do not fight or fight, On one ... they do not have feelings of revenge, hatred and hostility ... they are very poor, but they do not

The invention of The muslims countries, separating the muslim nation by borders.

معدل  دخل الإنسان المسلم في الصومال 130 دولار سنويا بينما معدل دخل الفرد المسلم في 'السعودية' 53 ألف دولار الأول يحصل علي ما قيمته 22 دولار خدمات سنويا الثاني يحصل علي ما قيمته 8 آلاف دولار خدمات سنويا من الدولة هذا مسلم وهذا مسلم يفصل بينهم خط وهمي يسمي الحدود وضعه الكفار الأول تحولت حياته جحيم بسبب هذا الخط ولا يستطيع الهجرة إلا إلي أرض أشد بؤسا والثاني جعله هذا الخط )الذي وضعه الكفار( يأخذ حقه وحق غيره من أموال المسلمين في أي شرع هذا يسمي عدل؟!! 'سعودي' واحد = 380 صومالي !!! The average Muslim income in Somalia is $ 130 per year While the average per capita income of Muslims in 'Saudi Arabia' 53 thousand dollars The first gets $ 22 a year The second gets $ 8,000 a year from the state This is Muslim and this is Muslim They are separated by a phantom line that calls the border and is placed by infidels The first has turned his life hell because of this line and can only migrate to the land of the most miserable

Procom Network

Telemarketing Esternalizzare le Telemarketing? Ottimizzare i servizi del centro esperienza del cliente e contatti Esternalizzare alcune funzioni della vostra azienda è una scelta strategica che vi permetterà di concentrarsi sul proprio core business. Scegliendo Procom Network, potrete beneficiare della nostra esperienza e professionalità nella realizzazione dei vostri progetti. Per soddisfare al meglio le vostre aspettative, reclutiamo e profili dei treni su misura per il vostro settore. Si vuole guadagnare tempo e l'efficienza? Vuoi aumentare le vendite? Quindi, andare avanti e ci ha lasciato questa missione! Scopri qui sotto la nostra competenza! 1.Prise di nomina Prendendo appuntamento richiede tempo ed energia! Per evitare questo, vi offriamo il personale professionale ed esperto in questo campo. Scegliendo Procom Network, vi possiamo garantire: Un rapporto professionale completamente trasparente. Un servizio completamente personalizzato. App

Customers of the Société Générale bank in Morocco debited from 2000 dirhams, the bank explains

BANK - Panic this Thursday morning at some customers of the General Society in Morocco. The bank debited several accounts of a sum of 2000 dirhams, for no reason. On Twitter, Internet users were indignant at this unpleasant surprise. Contacted by the HuffPost Morocco, Wadii Rhazi, Societe Generale's communications manager, said it was a computer failure. "This is an incident that was detected immediately, which is being regularized. The error will be repaired during the day, everyone will be re-credited with the amount that was taken in error on the correct value date , So that there is no levy of agios, "he said. According to him, "it's a minor IT incident, as happens in many large companies with large information systems." It's probably a code that has been mis-allocated to accounts. A security device has been installed for this purpose. We have teams working 24 hours a day to deal with these types of incidents, "he said. "We wil

Procom Network

Telemarketing OUTSOURCE ITS Telemarketing? Die Optimierung der Kundenerfahrung und Contact-Center-Dienste Auslagerung bestimmter Funktionen Ihres Unternehmens ist eine strategische Entscheidung damit Sie sich auf Ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren können. Durch die Wahl Procom-Netzwerk, werden Sie von unserer Erfahrung und Professionalität bei der Umsetzung Ihrer Projekte profitieren. Um am besten Ihre Erwartungen zu erfüllen, wir rekrutieren und auszubilden Profile auf Ihre Branche zugeschnitten sind. Sie wollen Zeit und Effizienz gewinnen? Möchten Sie Ihren Umsatz steigern? So gehen Sie vor und lassen Sie uns diese Mission! Entdecken Sie unter unserem Know-how! 1.Prise Ernennungs Unter Berufung braucht viel Zeit und Energie! Um zu vermeiden Sie dies bieten wir Ihnen professionelle und erfahrene Mitarbeiter in diesem Bereich. Procom Netzwerk Durch die Wahl, wir garantieren: Eine voll transparent professionelle Beziehung. Ein voll persönlicher Service. Termi

Procom Network

Télémarketing EXTERNALISER SON SERVICE TÉLÉMARKETING ?  Optimisation de l’expérience client et services de centre de contact Externaliser certaines fonctions de votre société est un choix stratégique vous permettant de vous recentrer sur votre activité principale. En choisissant Procom Network, vous bénéficierez de notre expérience et notre professionnalisme dans la réalisation de vos projets. Pour répondre au mieux à vos attentes, nous recrutons et formons des profils adaptés à votre secteur d’activité . Vous souhaitez gagnez en temps et en efficacité ? Vous souhaitez augmenter votre chiffre d’affaires ? Alors n’hésitez plus et confiez-nous cette mission ! Découvrez ci-dessous notre expertise ! 1. Prise De Rendez-Vous La prise de rendez-vous demande beaucoup de temps et d’énergie ! Pour vous éviter cela, nous mettons à votre disposition des agents professionnels et expérimentés dans ce domaine. En choisissant Procom Network, nous vous garantissons :